It is up to you

Life is beautiful, but it isn’t easy at all. We face a lot of problems and challenges in our daily life and we have to deal correctly with them. Everyone in this life wants to be happy. We can say the purpose of our lives is to be happy, but how can we do that? Our time is limited, life is difficult and our dreams are big. The best answer is ” If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things” Albert Einstein. Tell me what is your goal in this life? What do you want to achieve? And what do you want to be? You have to find answers, you have to know some facts about yourself and start a new beginning, by the way every moment is a fresh beginning. Try to see this life as a friend not as an enemy because this will help you to love it and love a lot of things in. I know there are a lot of problems in your life, but what can we do? We have to live, We have to live every moment as possible as we can. Mahatma Gandi said a nice sentence ” live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”. So we have to learn. Learning doesn’t only mean Schools and universities, because our big lessons come from our relations. Don’t give up, and be happy for every moment or at least try to do this because this moment is your life, don’t forget to ask yourself how do I want to live this moment?? know well The answer is up to you

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About حنان القرعان

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